Alhamdulillah, with the generosity of our donor, Dompet Dhuafa USA is collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa Sulut (North Sulawesi) for the development of Rumah Tahfidz Shohibul Quran in Manado. This Rumah Tahfidz houses children who are learning the Holy Quran everyday after school. Last Sunday, 2/28/2021, DD Sulut and Yayasan Senyum Bahagia Bersama Indonesia held the groundbreaking ceremony to lay the first stone to signify the start of the construction of Rumah Tahfidz Shohibul Quran in Kelurahan Lapangan Ling 01 Kec. Mapanget. Dompet Dhuafa USA staff attended the ceremony virtually.
This is one example of where we distribute our donor’s zakat money. Barakallah, may this inspire other donors to entrust their zakat with Dompet Dhuafa USA. We hope the construction of Rumah Tahfidz Shohibul Quran will be beneficial for the community in Manado, and will produce ahlul Qurans which contribute back to their community in various ways. We accept zakat mal donations all year round here on our website. If you need to calculate your zakat, you can use our Zakat Calculator.