30 years of Dompet Dhuafa

It all started in April 1993, when the three-month-old Republika Newspaper company held an event at Yogyakarta’s Krisdono Stadium. At the event, one of our founders, Parni Hadi, had a conversation with the leader of the Rural Da’wah Corps (CDP), Ustadz Umar Sanusi.

The Ustadz spoke about the CDP’s da’wah activities in Gunung Kidul’s poor area. He mentioned that CDP had da’wah activities which included general science education, Islamic religious knowledge, and empowerment of the poor. 

Members of the CDP at that time were full-time teachers, preachers, and social activists. Parni Hadi then asked,  “How much is their monthly wages?” CDP responded that it was Rp. 6,000,- per month. Parni Hadi was taken aback when he heard that. “I’m sorry. As soon as I leave Yogyakarta, I will create something to help my friends,” Parni Hadi said.

On July 2, 1993, a column with a headline “Dompet Dhuafa” appeared on the front page of the Republika Newspaper. 11 donors’ names were shown in a small table and a total of Rp. 425.000,- was raised.

A column with a headline "Dompet Dhuafa"

Dompet Dhuafa was created from that small encounter. From a small column in a newspaper, Republika then asked the public to also participate by setting aside a portion of their income to help the people in need.

Dompet Dhuafa is now legally recognized as an official zakat institution in Indonesia. The organization has been competently managed so that it was able to grow and create many programs in various sectors such as education, economic, social, health, da’wah, and culture.

It all began with a small step of concern and care, as well as the motivation to help make change to the people around us.

Thank you to all the donors. Dompet Dhuafa’s 30 years of #HadirSepenuhHati (PresentWholeHeartedly) cannot be separated from your role in spreading goodness together. Everything we do and hope will be a goodness for the sake of Allah SWT.