Isra’ and Mi’raj were two significant events in Islamic history which showcased the spiritual night journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) beyond the earthly realms. This spiritual journey was one of the significant points in the Islamic faith, where the 5 daily prayers commandment was given to the Ummah of Rasulullah (SAW).
Isra’ was the extraordinary journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Ka’bah in Makkah to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. On the other hand, Mi’raj, was the event where the Prophet (SAW) ascended to the heavens.
During the Mi’raj, the Prophet (SAW) met many of the other messengers of Allah and this was where Allah gave the Prophet the revelation about the 5 daily prayers commandment.
Various hadith and Quranic verses provide evidence of the events of Isra’ and Mi’raj. These include descriptions of the journey and the instructions received during the ascent. The different narrations of the hadith provide a deeper perspective on the events.
One of the most famous hadith narrations comes from Malik Ibn Sasaa: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “While I was at the House in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, (an angel recognized me) as the man lying between two men. A golden tray full of wisdom and belief was brought to me and my body was cut open from the throat to the lower part of the `Abdomen and then my `Abdomen was washed with Zamzam water and (my heart was) filled with wisdom and belief. Al- Buraq, a white animal, smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me and I set out with Gabriel.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 3207, Book 59, Hadith 18)
Another narration comes from Ibn Abbas, who described the Prophet’s ascension to the heavens as being transported by Jibril (Gabriel) on a ladder made of light. Each step of the ladder represented a different level of heaven, with different sights and experiences at each level. The Prophet (SAW) also had conversations with different prophets and angels along the way.
Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, Masjid Al-Aqsa is one of the most sacred sites in Islam. During his visit, the Prophet (SAW) met with previous prophets, including Adam, Musa, and Isa, adding to its significance.
The Masjid was also the first qibla for Muslims before it was changed to the Kaaba in Mecca. Additionally, it is believed that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) led the other prophets in prayer during his visit.
The importance of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) journey to Masjid Al-Aqsa goes beyond validating his prophethood. While this journey emphasized the high status of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), it also established Jerusalem as the third holiest city in Islam after Mecca and Medina and became a symbol of unity and hope for Muslims worldwide.
Even today, Muslims celebrate the miraculous journey on the 27th day of Rajab, known as Isra and Mi’raj, emphasizing the significance of faith, prayer, and spiritual connection in Islam.
Masjid Al-Aqsa continues to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for Muslims, offering a reminder of the infinite possibilities that await for those who have faith in Allah, particularly amid the daily challenges and conflicts they face.
The events of Isra’ and Mi’raj have a significant impact on Islamic worship, particularly regarding the five daily prayers. The journey represents the importance of prayer, through the commandments from Allah received by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during the Mi’raj.
Commemorating the events of Isra’ and Mi’raj is a fundamental aspect of Islamic tradition. It provides Muslims with an opportunity to reflect on the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as well as the importance of faith in Islam.
The events of Isra’ and Mi’raj hold a deep significance in the Islamic faith, as they symbolize the ultimate spiritual ascent and the importance of prayer.
The journey of Isra’ and Mi’raj serves as a testament to the miraculous power of Allah and His infinite wisdom. It highlights the importance of faith and devotion in Islam and provides a beacon of hope for all Muslims.
By commemorating these events, Muslims can deepen their understanding of the Islamic faith and strive towards spiritual excellence.
Reflecting on the journey of Isra’ and Mi’raj and incorporating its teachings into daily life can help Muslims attain closeness to Allah. The commemoration of these events is not only a celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) spiritual journey, but also a reminder of the profound impact that his life and teachings have had on the world.
As Muslims around the world continue to honor and remember these events, they are reminded of the importance of prayer, faith, and devotion in their lives.